
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:21:59
 Market Information:
对于价格的定位,老板以薄利多销的原则进行定价的。四季鞋的种类很多,for example:凉鞋,单鞋,矮靴和高靴等。种类不同价格的定位也不一样,for example:凉鞋的范围在100-150/一双 不等。

The elegant valuable road is west east two links, east to the altar tothe sun park only length 300 meter about street, constructs from thewest gradually reduces to the east, from the street western end styleelegant valuable building to the east side street tail was the smallstall. But to 10 square meter small shop, a year rent is not 120,000Yuan, but a year can gain 400000.
At present, the elegant valuable road merchant total is about 4,500.In the market 98% product sell in distant markets to Russia, Ukraine,Libya, Romania and so on more than 30 countries. Mostly is sells indistant markets regarding Minikahha to Russia, Ukraine and Wikipediaand so on. Sales age scope about 25-60 year old. A customer year allmust purchase the different season the real leather shoes. Butaccording to boss introduced general in June to second year in Aprilis the busy season.
In Beijing, comes from in Russia's every 3 US dollars, had 2 USdollars to load into the elegant valuable road merc