
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:54:38

I am very few and the male student to sing, you must treasure oh!"
"That looks at me! Let you ask for advice the song king's wind color."
"You like rock and roll, the heavy metal or the friend gram?"
"The heavy metal storm crack is I most loves."
"I am a friend gram race"
"I compare like the ballad."

"I rarely sing and the boys, you have to treasure!"
"I see it! Million Dollar Baby let you experience the charm. "
"Do you like rock, heavy metal or punk?"
"Heavy Metal暴裂is my favorite."
"I am a punk group"
"I prefer folk songs."

"I seldom compose in reply boy
student antiphonal singing's , you
need to cherish oh "! Look at my bar
"! Let you have experience of wind
color of once champion singer". "You
are fond of a rock and roll , heavy