
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 17:36:04
摘要:综观当今经济世界,全球一体化趋势日渐加强。经过长达 15 年的艰苦谈判,2001 年 12 月 11 日中国正式加入了WTO,伴随而来的是机会与挑战,这意味着我国企业要更深更广的去参与国际上的竞争。企业如果要想在这场没有硝烟的竞争中取胜或者说立有一席之地的话,根本上来看就是要留住人才用好人才。改革开放特别是党的十五大以来,我国的中小企业发展迅速,在国民经济和社会发展中的地位和作用日益增强。对于占我国企业总数98%还要多的中小企业来说,其发展直接关系着我国经济的稳定与未来。

Abstract: Looking at today's economic world, globalization trend is strengthening. After 15 years of difficult negotiations, on December 11, 2001 China's accession to the WTO, the attendant opportunities and challenges, which means that more Chinese enterprises to participate in wider to international competition. If enterprises in order to not smoke in this competition to win a place in legislation or so, the fundamental point of view is to retain talent making good use of talents. Reform and opening up, especially since the 15th CPC National Congress, China's rapid development of SMEs in the national economy and social development in the status and role of growing.

Abstract: The comprehensive survey now the economical world, theglobal integration tendency day after day strengthens. After 15 yeardifficult negotiations, on December 11, 2001 China has officiallyjoined WTO, follows is the opportunity and the challenge which comes,this meant our country enterprise mus