
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 03:22:30
Online newspapers are a look into the future, and just pondering it raises the question of whether it isn’t nicer getting your daily news curled up in your favorite chair with your ballpoint pen handy to circle items of interest, or scissors ready to ship out articles you want to save. The Gazette Company is betting its subscribers want both electronic and paper options, and so far it seems to be right. The rest of the world is moving into cyberspace more slowly than the Unites States, and, in the developing world, the Internet has hardly penetrated at all. U.N. Secretary General is determined to change this through the United Nations Information Technology Service, which will train a large number of people to tap into the income-enhancing power of Internet. He is also proposing an Internet health network that will provide state-of-the-art medical knowledge to 10000 clinics and hospitals in poor countries. At Microsoft, Bill Gates predicts that by 2018 major newspapers will “publish th

网上报纸是一个放眼未来,只是在思考,它提出了一个问题,无论是不是越来越好吧,你每日新闻卷曲起来,在你最喜欢的椅子上你的圆珠笔得心应手,以循环项目的兴趣,或者剪刀准备外运文章你想节省开支。宪报刊登的公司投注用户想要电子版和纸张选择,因此,到目前为止,它似乎是正确的。世界其余地区正在进入网络速度比较慢,比美国,并在发展中世界,互联网已经渗透很难在所有。联合国秘书长是有决心改变这种通过联合国信息技术服务,这将培养出大批的人,以打入收入的提高电力上网费用。他还提出了一个在互联网上健康网,将提供国家采用最先进的医学知识,以10000诊所和医院,在贫穷国家。在微软,微软董事长比尔盖茨预测,到2018年,主要的报纸上,将"公布其上的文件版本,并只以电子方式分发" ,并说,到2020年电脑辞典将重新书籍作为"电子图书阅读职称屏幕上" 。