
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:10:29

Pls call the switchboard.
pls change the line to switchboard

Please dial the (telephone) exchange number!

Please dial "0" for the operator

美国说法:please call our main business line.or main office line

please dial the telephone exchange

Please call Receptionist.

punch the time clock ( 打卡 ) ;

punch in (out) ( 打上 ( 下 ) 班卡 ) ;

confirm the days schedule ( 确认一天的工作表 ) ;

staple the documents together ( 把文件钉在一起 ) ;

punch holes in the papers ( 用打孔机给文件打孔 ) ;

file the papers ( 把文件存档 ) ;

look over the documents ( 将文件过目一下 ) ;

stamp the document ( 在文件上盖章 ) ;

submit the document ( 提交文件 ) ;

correct mistakes with white-out ( 用涂改液改正错误 ) ;

run off copies ( 复印文件 ) ;

fax sb. a report ( 把报吿传真给某人 ) ;