
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:13:40



The perennial herb, reaches as high as 60cm. The rhizome is short, thestem stands erect, smoothly does not have the wool. The palm shapeduplicate leaf, has the long handle, 3 ~ 4 piece of 轮生 YuJingding; The small leaf 3 ~ 7, the ellipse or the oval shape butactually oval, the edge has the thin denticle. The umbel goes againstlives, the inflorescence stem goes against central from the stemextracts, long 20 ~ 30cm. The flower is small, yellow green; 花萼 5cracks; The flower petal, the stamen all are 5. 核果浆果 shape,near kidney-shaped, ripe when is red. Seed 1 ~ 3, 扁球形. Floweringseason 6 ~ in August, fruit time 8 ~ in October.