
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 09:44:34
I shook hands with my father in the truck, and for a long time he looked straight ahead and didn’t say a word. But I knew he was going to say a little to me. ”I can’t tell anything , he finally said .” I never went to college ,and none of your brothers went to college.I can’t say don’t do this and do that, because everything is different and I don’t know what is going to come up. I can’t help much with money either, but I think things will work out.”
He gave me a new check-book.(支票簿) “If things get pushing,write a small check. But when you write one,send me a letter and let me know how much.There are some things we can always sell.” In four years all the checks I wrote were less than a thousand dollars. My part-time jobs such as reading to the blind students and taking care of the teachers’ kids filled in the a financial gaps .
“You know what you want to be,and they’ll tell you what to take,” my father went on.”When you get a job, be sure it’s honest ,and work hard.” I knew

  1. 本题难度较大,适用于高中英语基础阅读。

  2. (1)D 这是一道深层理解题,读完全文,体会作者意图后确定答案。

    (2)A 根据第一段以及对全文的总体理解可知答案。

    (3)B 这是一道深层理解题,读完全文,根据第一、二段和最后一段可知答案。

    (4)C 根据第三段和上下文,可以推测出本题的答案。
    (5)D 根据第四段和西方文化背景知识可知答案。在西方人的眼中,《圣经》是人在遭受苦难时的心灵抚慰剂。

  3. Translation                                                                     