谁帮我翻译一下啊 谢谢那 各位

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 07:34:04
天啊! 今天搞运动会, 我要跑1500米啊!死人那! 怎么才能跑完那!!! 给我加油吧。我会努力的。

Set the dead
God! Engage Games today, I am He walked 1,500 meters ah! The dead! How can we finish it! ! ! To me refueling it. I will try hard.
Oh happy day!

I'm doomed!
天啊! 今天搞运动会, 我要跑1500米啊!死人那! 怎么才能跑完那!!! 给我加油吧。我会努力的。
My God! Today there will be a sports meet and I will take part in the long distance running of 1500 meters! Am I a moving log? When can I finish it? Cheer for me. I will try my best. Wish you happiness everyday!

oh boy..today there's a sports!i'm going to run 1500 metres!i'll die!how can i finish it!cheer to me..i will try my best..be happy everyday!