韩非简介 英语版

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 13:42:50

Han Fei, also called Hanfeizi (about BC 280 a former 233) Warring States late Korean [today Henan Xinzheng], son of one of South Korea all the royal family, "Historical Records" records, Han Fei proficient "刑名magic of learning "Qin and Li Si phase are Xunzi students. Han Fei as stuttering and不擅speech, but the article superior, even Lisi also自叹better. Many of his works, in the main collection, "Hanfeizi", a book. Han Fei with the late Warring States is the color of materialism philosophers, Legalists thinking of the synthesizer.
Han Fei witnessed the late Warring States Period Korea poor and weak and repeatedly released a letter to Han Wang, wanted to change the rule of ignoring the rule of law was non-dependents by the use of non-support by the situation, but its ideas are not always accepted. Han Fei think it is "cheaper straight tolerate evil in vain of Robinson." Would quit in a book, writing a "孤愤" "Five marine,"