我要打扮一下 。。英语怎么说?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 09:29:25
1.我要打扮一下 。。/2.外表也是很重要的


i'd like to dress up
i want to dress up
i have to dress up
i need to dress up
Appearance is also important

dress up
makeup 或者
fresh myself

2. Appearance is important too.

1. I want to make up

2. appearance is also very important

1.记得有一次时间很紧了 晚上要参加晚会 老外问我:Do I have time to dress up? dress up有打扮的意思。

2.Appearance is important too.

deck oneself up for a banquet
appearance is very important

I need to dress up
Appearance is also important