帮忙翻译(中-英) 急!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:05:53
(拨弦古钢琴,也叫羽管琴键。是一种装有拨弦装置的乐器,它的应用范围广泛,主要用在当时的贵族家庭中演奏。 17世纪到18世纪间,拨弦古钢琴在当时的音乐生活中有着相当显赫的位置,可以说是它的全盛时代。至18世纪初,欧洲大陆音乐迅速发展,音量弱小的拨弦古钢琴已不能满足当时音乐家们的需要,因而逐渐被音量洪大的钢琴所取代。)

拨弦ancient piano, also called the plume of Qinjian. With拨弦device is a kind of instrument, its broad scope of the application, mainly with the aristocracy at the time the family concert. The 17th century to the 18th century,拨弦ancient piano in the then music has a life of a prominent position can be said to be its heyday era. From the early 18th century, the rapid development of the European continent music, the volume weak拨弦ancient piano has been unable to meet the needs of musicians at that time, the volume of Hong Tae-Yong thus gradually being replaced by the piano

