
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:32:41
我叫李佳,89年7月出生,没有什么工作经验,但我愿意去学习。我的英文也就那样,下面是我的英文个人介绍:2007年9月,我就读与上海中华职业结束学院营销与策划专业。我鼓足勇气叩响贵公司的大门,我深信门里必定是一个充满着生机与活力的世界.我不求安逸的生活和优厚的待遇,只愿能用自己的所学,我相信贵公司能够提供一个展现自我的机会。 期盼您的答复!随函奉上个人简历,敬请收阅。

Dear Mr. Li(or Mrs. Li),

Hi! I really appreciate if you could spare some time to take a look at a brief introduction about myself.

My name is Li Jia. I was born in July, 1989. I don’t have much work experience. But I am always eager to learn.

As you can see my English is the way I express myself.
Here is a brief introduction about myself: I went to Shanghai Zhong Hua Occupational Institute in September, 2007 . I majored in Strategy marketing .Now I pluck up courage to write you this letter, hoping to find a whole new world in your company. I do not ask for a high pay nor do I look for an easy job. All I ask is a chance to put what I have learned into practice. Please, could you kindly give me this chance?
Looking forward to your reply!
Enclosed is a copy of my resume.
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,

无敌猴猴 - 助理 三级

Name: Li jia
Sex: male
Date of birth: 89/07/xx
Place of birth: Shanghai