一个关于Decision analysis作业的问题,实在做不来

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:28:35
There is currently a labour dispute and the union has set a strike deadline of 12.00 midnight if their request for a 20% (TEXTVAR1)wage increase is not accepted. There is no doubt that the union will carry out this threat and the resulting strike would cost £26700,(VAR2) and, in addition it is certain that the ultimate agreement would result in a relay cost of £3.9(TEXTVAR3) per unit. If the company give in to their demand, the total cost per relay unit would increase to £4.02(TEXTVAR4) compared to the present cost of £3.67(TEXTVAR5) per unit.
The union problems are complicated by the fact that the Government is seeking tenders for a contract C1 for the supply of 1082000(VAR6) relay units and the company would not be eligible to bid for the contract if the employees went on strike. However, even if the union demands were met and the strike averted, the company would still not be assured of getting the contract unless the competitors are underbid.

1.Without considering the long term (years beyond the discussion of this question) effects of a higher relay cost of 4.02, the company should give in to the union's demands.

2.The company has a higher expected gain if it choose to bid at 4.12 for contract C1.

3.Give up contract 2, because it is not profitable since the company has already chosen to accept the union's demand.


1.If the company's bid for Contract 1 is not successful, then it should not bid for Contract 2, because based on the higher cost of 4.02 and the probability of getting the second contract, the expected gain will be negative.

2.If the company reject the union's demand and the strike takes place, the company will end up with a net loss of -22000.

3.this is more about probability and expected value than about strategic decision.

Hope i am not wrong, although likely. Do correct me

There is currently a labour