Just having someone who'd explain what’s going on

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:49:19
Just having someone who'd explain what’s going on, answer their questions and offer emotional support makes all the difference.这句话中的Just having someone who'd explain what’s going on语法结构看不懂啊,帮忙分析下啊?

用who'd explain what’s going on修饰someone


who'd explain what's going on 是someone引导的定语从句。而what's going on是引导的宾语从句。整个大结构是Having someone...answer...and offer...

Just having someone who'd explain what’s going on, answer their questions and offer emotional support 是动名词短语作主语,makes all the difference 作谓语。其中,
1.主语部分是一个have sb. do sth.结构,
2.sb.=someone who'd explain what’s going on作宾语,
3.answer their questions 和 offer emotional support 做宾补。