
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 01:35:54
Four group member represent scientists who want to get money to complete their projects .Each scientist will introduce his or her project and explain why it is the most important.(就是,有四个人要用政府的钱去投资自己的项目,但要说出为什么让政府把钱给他。政府只能选择一个人的。)拜托你从下面四个项目中任意选择一个。解释它为什么重要。原因和意义。完成一篇文章<可查资料〉
1、 Dr Wilson
You and your team are working on a cure for AIDS. Your research is extremely important because
2、 Dr Jones
Your research project is about cloning and how to use the new
Technolojy to cure diseases. Your project is important because
3、 Dr Smith
You want to develop new technology that will make it possible
to grow food in areas where is very little water. This is important because
4、 Dr winfrey
You are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars. This is a very important project becouse

My research project is about cloning and how to use the new technology to cure diseases. My project is important because cloning is the future to our medical researches. With new cloning technology, we can clone stem cells from new borns without any harm to them, and with stem cells, we can make breakthrough treatments for presently uncurable conditions such as cancer, which is a major cause of death all over the globel. This is only one of the great things we can achieve by researching into cloning, that's why it's important we should be given the funds to continue further research into something that could mean our future, and the future of generations to follow.