
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:14:53

Journalist: Mr G, thank you for agreeing to take this interview.

G: my pleasure

Journalist: firstly, are you going to run for the next term?

G: probably. i'm still thinking about it. it's a very hard job.

Journalist: yes. i can imagin. what are you planning to do next?

G:currently i'm studying the feasibility of the next budget. i believe we spent too little on public housing. i'm planning to revise the budget to increase funding in this area.

Journalist: people are complaining the public transportation is getting worse.

G: yes. we are looking into that too. a lot of immigants are moving into the state. that has put a lot of pressure on public transportation. however, it cannot be solved easily. it's a gradual process. we are already investing billions into buiding more roads and buying more buses. we believe the problem can be solved in about 2 years.

Journalist: what