
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:19:15



It's not like I'm walking alone into the valley of the shadow of death那不像我在充满死亡阴影下的峡谷中单独行走
Stand beside one another, 'cause it ain't over yet站在许多人前,因为它还没完
I'd be willing to bet that if we don't back down我期望赌我们会否掉下去
You and I will be the ones that are holding the Crown in the end我和你会是最后的胜利者
When it's over, we can say, "Well done"当它结束时,我们“做得好”
But not yet, 'cause it's only begun但还没完,因为只是刚开始
So, pick up, and follow me, we're the only ones 因此,拾起来,跟着我,我们是唯一
To fight this thing, until we've won为这事而战的,直至我们赢了
We drive on and don't look back我们不回头,向前行使
It doesn't mean we can't learn from our past但那不代表我们没有从过去学到东西
All the things that we mighta done wrong所有我们可能做错的东西
We could've been doing this all along我们跟着一错再错

Everybody, with your fists raised high所有人,举高你的拳头
Let me hear your battle cry tonight让我今晚听听你在战斗时的叫声
Stand be