围护结构 英语怎么翻译,急!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:42:30
空调冷(热)负荷可分为围护结构冷(热)负荷和室内冷(热)负荷。下面从门窗的节能方面.进行阐述。控制窗墙比:通过外窗的耗热量占建筑物总耗热量的35%~45% ,在保证室内采光良好的前提下,合理确定窗墙比十分重要。一般规定各朝向的窗墙比不得大于下列数字:北向25%;东、西向30%;南向%。提高门窗气密性:房间换气次数由0.9次/h降到0.6次/h,建筑物的能耗可降低8%左右,因此设计中应采用密闭性良好的门窗,而加设密封条是提高门窗气密性的重要手段,密封条应采用弹性良好、镶接牢固严密、经久耐用的产品,根据门窗的具体情况,分别采用不同的密封条,如橡胶条、塑料条或橡塑结合的密封条其形状可为条形或冲形。固定方法可用粘贴、挤紧或钉结。

Retaining structure.
Cooling (heat) load can be divided into the envelope structure cold (hot) and indoor cooling load (heat) loads. Below from the energy saving windows and doors. Elaborate. Control windows than walls: the outer windows of the buildings total heat consumption calorie consumption of 35% to 45%, while ensuring good indoor lighting under the premise of reasonable identify important than the window wall. General provisions of the window towards the wall than the figures may not exceed the following: 25% of the North East, the West to 30%; south%. Improve airtight doors and windows: Room ventilation frequency from 0.9 times / h to 0.6 times / h, the buildings can reduce energy consumption about 8 percent, it should be used in the design of good windows and doors closed, and additional sealed improve air tightness of the windows and doors of the important means to seal should adopt a flexible good, solid set to close, durable goods, under the specific circumstances