
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 18:15:53
5.2. Managerial implications
In Taiwan and across the world, the Internet has become a mature service industry in its own right. Internet-based advertising is an important communication channel for travel agencies in the tourism industry, and pose as an opportunity for travel agencies to enhance consumer contact and attention. Consumer attitudes toward such advertising need to be strengthened and more effective advertising needs to be achieved; therefore, planning and designing attractive tours via Internet advertising to enhance consumer’ product involvement and attitude towards the advertising is important. Consequently, understanding the special features and requirements of different product involvement groups and designing appropriate advertising content are prerequisites for Internet advertising operators.For operators in the tourism industry using the Internet to advertise their products, the effectiveness of Internet
advertising may be enhanced through two channels: 1,

5.2 。管理意涵
广告可以提高通过两个渠道: 1 ,增加广告曝光,以提高互联网的用户联系,并注意和2 ,设计合适的广告内容相适应互联网用户的偏好,让他们参与同一个产品可以得到加强。通过创造更加有利的态度,互联网广告,有效性,广告增加。这项研究调查的结果显示, ''互联网广告的接触和注意''和''互联网广告内容设计''是其基本要素产生有效的互联网广告,而他们是至关重要的基于互联网的广告的成功之道。这些结果,也可到其他行业使用互联网为基础的市场营销策略。

广告可以提高通过两个渠道: 1 ,增加广告曝光,以提高互联网的用户联系,并注意和2 ,设计合适的广告内容相适应互联网用户的偏好,让他们参与同一个产品可以得到加强。通过创造更加有利的态度,互联网广告,有效性,广告增加。这项研究调查的结果显示, ''互联网广告的接触和注意''和''互联网广告内容设计''是其基本要素产生有效的互联网广告,而他们是至关重要的基于互联网的广告的成功之道。这些结果,也可到其他行业使用