谁能提供刚果(布)的英文介绍啊?The Republic of Congo

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 03:37:34

Republic of the Congo
[Words: The Republic of the Congo
[Mandarin]: gāng guǒ gòng / gōng hé / hè / huó / huò / hú guó

Congo (Brazzaville) Overview

Country name: Republic of the Congo (The Republic of Congo)

Independence Day: August 15 (1960)

National Day: August 13 (1963)

Flag: a rectangular shape, length and width ratio is 3:2. From flag-green, yellow, red color composition of the upper left for the green, red for the lower right corner, a yellow broadband penetration ramps from the lower left-hand corner to the top right corner. Forest resources and green symbolizes hope for the future, representatives of yellow honesty, tolerance and self-esteem, red enthusiasm.

The national emblem: a young black woman logo, nameplate on the French words "unity, labor, and progress."

State leaders: President Denis Sassou - Nguesso (Denis Sassou-Nguesso), 1979, 1984, 1989, 1997, 2002 several