
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 03:01:07

A country of southeast Europe on the southern Balkan Peninsula and including numerous islands in the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Ionian seas. One of the most important centers of early civilization, Greece grew and flourished as an amalgam of independent city-states, although intercity strife led to conquest by Philip II of Macedon in 338 b.c. Greece was ruled by the Ottoman Turks from the 15th century a.d. until its independence in 1829. Athens is the capital and the largest city. Population, 9,740,417.
希腊欧洲东南部国家,位于巴尔干半岛南部,包括地中海、 爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海上无数的小岛。系为人类早期文明最重要的几个中心之一,希腊以一种独立城邦混合体的形式发展并繁荣起来。因其城市之间的斗争于 公元前338年被马其顿帝国腓力二世征服。从 公元15世纪受奥斯曼土耳其的统治,直到1829年独立。雅典是其首都和最大城市。人口9,740,417