
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 11:27:43
莫扎特出生在一位宫廷乐师的家庭。3岁起显露音乐才能,4岁跟父亲学习钢琴,5岁作曲,6岁又随父亲学小提琴,8岁创作了一批奏鸣曲和交响曲,11岁写了第1部歌剧。他仅仅活了36岁。 莫扎特的主要创作领域是歌剧。他一生的36年中,有25年在从事歌剧创作,共写了20余部。其中《费加罗的婚姻》、《唐璜》和《魔笛》最具代表性。

Mozart was born in a family of court musicians. 3-year-old music from the show can be, 4-year-old studying piano with his father, 5-year-old composer, and 6-year-old study violin with his father, 8-year-old created a number of sonatas and symphonies, the first 11-year-old wrote an opera. He only lived 36 years. Mozart's opera is the main creative fields. He lives of 36, 25 in the opera in the creation, wrote a total of more than 20. The "Marriage of Figaro" and "Don Juan" and "The Magic Flute" the most representative