
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 05:12:44
Dear XX,
You are receiving this message because you joined FreeLotto on Saturday December 22nd, 2007, from IP Address When you registered you agreed to receive messages from FreeLotto. FreeLotto NEVER sends JUNK or SPAM messages. We never send mail to anyone unless they requested it when they registered. If you somehow didn't understand that you were agreeing to receive messages from us at the time you joined PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM OUR LIST. In doing so you will also cancel your FreeLotto membership and you will no longer be eligible to play FreeLotto or receive up to $11,000,000.00 in daily prizes. We regret any inconvenience.
Thank you,
FreeLotto Member Services
Attention: XX. Your careful attention is required. Over 81,112 prizes to be awarded in amounts up to $10,000,000.00 USD, guaranteed to be issued to winners in Award Series IV this month. To confirm prizes you have pending click on the prize next to your name bel

你收到这信息是因为你在2007-12-22,星期六加入了FreeLotto(类似“乐透”的抽奖?),IP地址是117.14.209.39。当你注册成为会员的时候就表示你同意收到FreeLotto的信息。Freelotto从来不会给会员发送垃圾邮件。我们也从不给任何人发邮件,除非他们在注册的时候有要求。如果你不明白其实你在注册的时候已经同意了将收到我们的信息,请选择“ PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BE PERMANENTLY REMOVED FROM OUR LIST.”(永久从我们的名单中剔除,那就就收不到信息了)但同时你的Freelotto会员资格将会被取消,而且你不再有资格参与每日奖金高达$11000000的游戏。我们对给你带来的不便感到抱歉。
FreeLotto 会员服务

我已经上当受骗了 说我中了1000多万 然后要我的银行卡号(千万不要给)给的话会扣掉你14.99美金 外国只要知道信用卡的号码 就可以从你的卡上划走钱 不过freelotto不是非法网站 在美国这个网就是一种彩票游戏 不过是免费的 如果你开通F.A.S.T这个业务 才会扣你钱的 但是对于英文不好的人来说 很容易无意中开通F.A.S.T业务 我就是例子了 呵呵 不过如果你及时退订的话 freelotto不仅会把你的钱还给你 还会多给你7点多美金 呵呵 我上网查过了 不只我一个人多收到了钱 我想freelotto多给你钱只有一个原因 让你觉得这个网站正规 然后吸引你去玩 呵呵 不过我想没有人会再次上当吧 呵呵 天上不会掉馅饼 希望朋友你多加小心啊 祝你好运 对了 如果你对freelotto有兴趣 你也可以免费玩的 不过得每一天都得去网站选号 呵呵 咱们国内有一个人就真的中了 好多钱 呵呵