医疗器械设备专业翻译 别用软件翻译啊 会的 来

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 15:04:15
In the Automatic Pacer Testing Mode, measurements are performed semiautomatically
on seven parameters: pacer rate, pacer width, pacer amplitude,
pacing refractory interval, sensing refractory interval, sensitivity, and A-V
delay. The pacer width measurement is combined with the PPM
For each parameter being measured, 10 different test values are
preprogrammed. The user has the option of running all 10 of the tests using
default values, running one or more tests with user selected values, or
eliminating any of the tests.
User modified values, may be saved for use in subsequent tests as long as
the DELTA 3000 is not turned off. The user can leave the modified value
unsaved so that the original default values will be output during subsequent
tests. The test sequence continues until all of the parameters are tested.
The DELTA 3000 stores the measured values of each test performed in
memory. At the completion

在自动起搏器的试验方式中,有七个参数半自动地测量:脉搏频率,搏宽,搏幅,弱搏间隔,强搏间隔,敏感度,和A-V 延迟。搏宽的测量是与PPM测量综合地进行。对每一参数进行测量时,预先编好10 个不同试验值。用户可有选择地试验全部10 个值中去掉几个,试验用户所选的一个或更多的值,或者删除任一试验均可。
用户修改的值可以存储起来,只要DELTA3000 不关机,以后还可以用。用户还可不存储修改的值;这样,原来未参加试验的值,在以后的试验时将还会调出来。试验程序一直继续到全部参数都试过为止。DELTA 3000 会把每项试验的测量值都存在记忆体里。在自动试验程序完成时,试验结果会被传到打印机,或通过RS232 界面传到个人电脑。设定值和DELTA3000-用户-手册-R2.doc34 测得值进行比较。如果偏差超过10% , 会对其影响发出评论,并打印出来。

In the Automatic Pacer Testing Mode, measurements are performed semiautomatically
on seven parameters: pacer rate, pacer width, pacer amplitude,
pacing refractory interval, sensing refractory interval, sensitivity, and A-V
delay. The pacer width measurement is combined with the PPM
For each parameter being measured, 10 different test values are
preprogrammed. The user has the option of running all 10 of the tests using