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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 06:56:58
为此我简单就计算机病毒的预防技术进行探讨,让大家清楚地认识到计算机病毒的发展和危害,并按相应的具体问题实施相应的保护措施。计算机病毒对大多数的计算机使用者而言应该是再耳熟能详不过的名词, 有些人也许从来不曾真正碰到过计算机病毒, 而吃过计算机病毒亏的人却又闻毒色变, 其实在个人计算机这么普遍的今天, 即使您不是一个计算机高手, 也应该对计算机病毒有些基本的认识, 就好比我们每天都会关心周围所发生的人事物一样, 毕竟计算机病毒已经不再像过去是遥不可及的东西, 自从Internet潮流席卷全球以来,计算机信息以每秒千里的速度在传送, 我们每天可以透过Internet收到来自全球各地不同的消息, 但在享受信息便利的同时, 计算机安全问题也就显得格外重要了。那么计算机病毒的预防也就更显得重要了。

Today, Internet develops at full speed, Internet becomes people and obtains, releases and transmits the important channel of information fast, it is playing an important role in all respects such as people's politics, economy, living,etc.. The computer and network technology have not merely brought convenient and pleasant surprise to people, at the same time in calculate whom virus bring worried and helpless, because the computer virus not merely destroys the file, delete the useful data, can lead to the fact the whole computer system is paralysed, cause enormous losses to computer user.

Defined in " computer regulations on protection of information safety of the People's Republic of China " clearly, the virus " mean that works out the destruction computer function inserted in the computer program or data of destroying, a group of computer instructions or procedure code influencing the computer to use and can be duplicated oneself ".