寻求英文的有关股票涨跌的文章 急!!1

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 23:47:55
紧急寻求一篇有关股票涨跌的文章 要英文的 字数500-1000就行了 谢谢哪问帮我哈

Chinese Stock Market is Crazy 中国股票市场的不稳定因素

Maybe I am among the minority who didn't notice the recent bull market trends in Chinese stock market. I heard some news, but never really look at what is happening in the market. Maybe people outside Chinese also didn't pay attention to the performance. Here is what happened.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was 998.23 in June 2005. Yesterday, it reached 2870.42, which is the highest in the history of the stock market, and almost three times than one and half year ago.

What a crazy stock market!

Individual Stocks are Even More Crazy

The 3 time increase are only the overall increase. Individual stocks - those good performers are even better. Stories like people get 50% gain in days are not rare. When I watch the financial news, I can smell money in air. Double! Double! is the theme of change, instead of the conservative 6% - 7% expectation.

Buy stock in China is alw