
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 12:34:15




Olympic events emergencies assessment and risk management marked change(奥运突发事件评估标志着事件与风险管理转变).
Beijing Olympic events during sudden public risk assessment work has officially started.The launch of this campaign, marked Beijing's emergency management are mainly from the incident management to incident management and risk management both changes.(北京市奥运期间突发公共事件风险评估工作日前正式启动,这项工作的开展,标志着北京市的应急管理正在从以事件管理为主向事件管理与风险管理并重转变).

Risk assessment is the identification and analysis refers to the probability of risk and possible consequences, determine the risk level and decide which risks need to control, as well as how to control the process of risk management is an important part of public safety and emergency management is also an important component of work part.(风险评估是指通过识别和分析风险发生的概率和可能的后果,确定风险级别并决定哪些风险需要控制以及如何控制的过程;是风险管理的重要环节,也是公共安全和应急管理工作的重要组成部分).

The period of the Olympic Games in natural disasters, accidents disasters, public health incidents and social safety