翻译:在我国,越来越多的年轻人有机会上大学。用have a chance to

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 13:22:34
设计用来测试新药的实验获得了成功 用design
在写论文之前,我想搜集一些有关文化差异的资料 用gather
学生们正参加在美国与加拿大的两镇之间进行的国际节能比赛 用take part in

(1)In China,there are more and more young men have chances to go to universities

(2)The experiment which is designed for tesing new drug is successful.
(3)Before writting my paper,I'd like to gather some information about the differences in culture
(4)Student are taking part in the internationl energy saving game between two towns in America and Canada
(5)When a was young,my father used to carve many lovely toys from old wood

<1> In our country, more and more young people have the chance to go to college .
<2> The design used for to test the new medicine the experiment to obtain the success .
<3> Before writing the paper, I want to gather some related cultural difference the material
<4> The students are taking part in the international energy conservation competition which carries on American and between Canada's two towns .
<5> When I was young, my father carved many lovely toys from old