
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:13:05
☆具有丰富的ATM维护工作经验,对其有深入研究,并对该领域有独特见解,熟悉工行与招行的ATM系统.进公司半年后,公司派我到昆明负责该地区的ATM维护,工作成绩突出,其中很多老员工解决不了的问题都能解决,获得用户和公司的一致好评.完全可以单独胜任当地的工作.工行ATM跨平台系统是由工行与NCR一起开发的全英文系统,经过不断的测试总结,并及时反馈给厂家与银行,机器运转达到了预期的效果.除此之外,熟练各类计算机操作及计算机硬件维护,熟练操作windows系统的设置.擅长利用Internet进行各种网际信息交流,熟练操作各类应用软件(如ghost,Word97、Excel97、Power point),熟悉各种编程语言(C,C++,java,sqlserver)。对证券也有一定的了解. 并且自己也有参与.

ATM has rich experience in maintenance work, the depth of its research, and the field has a unique opinion, familiar with the ICBC and to move the ATM system. Six months after the company, the company sent me to Kunming in the region responsible for ATM maintenance, work made outstanding achievements, many of them older workers can not solve the problems can be resolved, a member and the company's acclaim. entirely separate competent work on the ground. ICBC ATM cross-platform system by the ICBC and the development of the entire NCR with the English system, through repeated testing summation, and timely feedback to manufacturers and banks, machinery operation achieved the expected results. Addition, the various types of skilled computer operators and computer hardware maintenance, skilled windows operating system settings. at exploiting the Internet for the exchange of information of the Internet, skilled

ATM has rich experience in maintenance work, the depth of its resear