
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 07:16:02
The second change was in the relationship among the departments. One facet of the departmental isolation was that feedback was also localized. The criteria applied were local. The channels used were local. A matrix organization requires constant tradeoffs and coordination so this was a disaster (while the division’s problems could be described in terms of ‘‘cooperation’’ the localized feedback would have been sufficient to cause difficulty). The department heads agreed to expand the feedback they relied upon to be more inclusive. Information would be provided across departmental lines. With some false starts, they did indeed make good on these commitments. It is worth noting that they always had the capability to function in more coordinated manner (the servomechanisms existed and were under the division’s control); however, they had not been channeling the feedback where it was needed to implement such cooperation. Nor had they been defining performance (criteria) in ways consistent w

第二个转变是在它们之间的关系部门。一个侧面的部门分离是反馈也本地化了。所适用的标准分别为本地个案。该频道用的地方。矩阵组织需要不断权衡和协调,因此,这是一场灾难(而分工的问题,可以说无论在''合作指的局部反馈,便足以造成困难) 。部门首长一致同意,加强信息反馈,他们依靠的,以更具有包容性。资料将提供跨部门的线路。一些虚假打响后,他们的确兑现这些承诺。值得注意的是,他们总是有能力在功能更加协调的方式(伺服存在,并根据该司的控制) ;但是,他们并没有被窜反馈它需要实施这种合作。他们也没有得到确定性能(标准)的方式与相互需求。
事实务虚会用两个这类事例并不意味着这是唯一的办法。事实上,其中一项甚至可能会采取一种预防性的做法。在举例的安永会计师事务所(原恩斯特&恩斯特和阿瑟杨)合并,广泛努力着手准备公司( greller , kesselman , & ostling , 1994年) 。而这在很大程度上是做在名称的沟通与规划,这两家公司其实是重新调整其定义的性能和适当的回应。什么是不寻常的,在他们的作法是,他们打开的规划过程中有数百人在一系列的水平。当基本法交易已经有条理,两家公司花了较好的一个组成部分,今年有大量的横断面队制定共同的政策,途径和商业计划。这创造了一个共同的理解,表现和传达,它具有广泛的。渠道反馈到位,并越过原有的组织界限。措施和标准的性能得到了澄清。甚至当始料未及的情况出现时,该通信网已如此拓宽了这奇异的,孤立的意义上的决策过程发现,在其他地方没有这么多证据。便有人接近内部既存的社会网络,他们参加了一个有关横断面团队。