
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 06:46:59
Reading Material Irrigation Methods
There are five methods of applying irrigation water to fields-flooding,furrow irrigation,sprinkling,sub-irrigation,and trickle irrigation.Numerous subclasses exist within these basic methods.Wild flooding consists in turning the water into natural slopes without much control or prior preparation.It is usually wasteful of water,and unless the land is naturally smooth,the resulting irrigation will be quite uneven.Wild flooding is used mainly for pastures and fields of native hay on steep slopes where abundant water is available and crop values do not warrant more expensive preparations.Controlled flooding may be accomplished from field ditches or by use of borders,checks,or basins.Flooding from field in permanent ditchesis often adaptable to lands with topography too irregular for other flooding methods.It is relatively inexpensive because it requires a minimum of preparation.Water is brought to the field in permanent ditches and distributed ac

应用到领域的灌溉水有五个方法-洪水泛滥,犁沟灌溉,洒水,子灌溉 , 和滴灌溉。很多的亚纲在这些基本的方法里面存在。荒野洪水泛滥在于将水变成没有很多的控制或之前的准备的天然的倾斜。它水通常是浪费的,而且除非土地自然平滑,产生的灌溉将会相当不平顺。荒野洪水泛滥对于在险峻的倾斜上的本国干草的牧场和领域主要地被用哪里丰富的水是可得的而且收割价值不保证更多的贵准备。受约束的洪水泛滥可能从领域沟渠是完成的或藉着边缘,检查或盆地的使用。在长备的沟渠中的来自领域的洪水泛滥时常能适应的对对其他的洪水泛滥方法是太不规则的和地志的土地。因为它需要至少准备,所以相对地它是廉宜的。水在被隔开遵照流程的地志,土壤和比率的较小的沟渠中被在长备的沟渠中带给领域而且横过分配领域。在理想的情况,沟渠间隔和流程率应该是以致于水将会没有时间浸润而且升至水面废物将会在领域的较低的优势发生。如果流程是太慢又过度的过滤将会在沟渠的附近发生,而且太少水将会到达领域的下端。