
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:13:34
1.我后悔没有在他们决定预订此次旅行时试着阻止他们(regret that)
3.我遗憾地写信告诉你,春节期间我不能去看你.(regret to)
4.对那些亲人或者溺死或者失踪的人们,我深表同情.(genuinely sorry)
5.不能在他去世前到菲律宾看她最后一眼,我感到非常遗憾.(regret the fact that)

1. I regret that I did not decide in their current travel booking try to stop them (regret that)
2. Your father passed away so suddenly, we are very sorry. (Sorry, should)
3. Letter, I regret to tell you that during the Spring Festival, I can not see you. (Regret to)
4. Relatives of those missing or drowned, or people, I am sympathetic. (Genuinely sorry)
5. Not before his death in the Philippines last one to see her, I feel very sorry. (Regret the fact that