请问phoenix palm的中文名称是什么?lush greens指草木葱郁,但是否有lush greens这种植物呢?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 18:53:57
phonix palm不会叫作凤凰棕榈树吧?我想应该有它自己的名字。
lush green从文中结构看来应该指一种植物,是什么呢?

The entire structure is nestled within a beautifully sculpted landscape comprising conifers, lush greens, red hydrangeas and two 6-meter tall phoenix palms.


phoenix palm 加拿列海枣
conifer 针叶树
red hydrangeas 红色八仙花(绣球花)
lush greens 这里是 绿茸茸的草地

The entire structure is nestled within a beautifully sculpted landscape comprising conifers, lush greens, red hydrangeas and two 6-meter tall phoenix palms.

整体镶嵌在美丽绝伦的画景中,这里有苍翠的针叶树,有绿油油的草地,有火红的八仙花,还有高达6米的加拿列海枣 。