
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 01:23:35

主题句就得为; although drinks can make people happy, having it too much is bad for your health. 就得用这种although打头的转折句.能有创意最好

1.part-time job
2.environment business
3.surf the internet
4.modern art
5.chinese economy
6.foreign teacher


1.part-time job
2.environment business
3.surf the internet
4.modern art
5.chinese economy
6.foreign teacher

1.Although part-time job can earn money,it will take us a lot of time which should be used in study

2.Altuough environment business is related to making profit,it do really promote the concept of protecing the earth

3.Although surfing the internet is time-taking,it's really worthwhile when using it on study

4.Although modern art is very creative,the classic art still plays an essential part in the are field

5.Althougn Chinese economy is developing fast,it still has a long way for China to be a developed country

6.Although the foreign teachers' teching method is different from the Chinese teachers', we can still learn a lot from them

1. Although people’s lives have been dramatically changed over the last decades, the extra money obtained from part-t