
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:26:25
Greetings !

Thanks for your email and I appreciate your interest. Understand that I am not disposed to reveal much at this time until I am certain of your genuine intentions. There were no standard criteria or personal interest for contacting you...

The reason why I have contacted you and request for your assistance is strictly for someone to help me disburse this fund to orphanage homes in you area.

Nevertheless, I will be glad to properly introduce you to my lawyer who will give you all necessary documents to posses this fund in your care, but I must first notice as much commitment from you as I may reveal sensitive information to you. So, before I divulge any further I need you to do something for me... Kindly provide me with a brief profile of yourself,
Thus a kind of background introduction or any details that properly acquaint me with your personality and help me consider your status as you may represent a very important role in this dona

Greetings !
Thanks for your email and I appreciate your interest. Understand that I am not disposed to reveal much at this time until I am certain of your genuine intentions. There were no standard criteria or personal interest for contacting you...
The reason why I have contacted you and request for your assistance is strictly for someone to help me disburse this fund to orphanage homes in you area.
Nevertheless, I will be glad to properly introduce you to my lawyer who will give you all necessary documents to posses this fund in your care, but I must first notice as much commitment from you as I may reveal sensitive information to you. So, before I divulge any further I need you to do something for me... Kindly provide me with a brief profile of yourself,