How to cure monomania偏执狂?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 15:28:16
Once I believe something, I am forced to
think it over a long time. If the result
is not so. I feel very disappoint.
Nobody presude me and chnane my belief.
So how to cure it? surrender and
give up my belief?
For example,I have been looking for some
regime to collapse soon,I strongly believe
it.But the fact is that there is no sign
of its declining although the majority
of people hold the same conviction with
me.Having waited for several decade of
persisting,I began to doubt that belief
whether I can see the result in my lifetime.
I grew impatient and doubtful about it.
Some regime refers here China's regime.

I think you are not a monomania,but your personality is not very well,you're so obstinacy.Your idea won't always right,you should listen other people's advise.When you feel you think something for a long time,you should move your attention to another things,I think it's good for you.You don't need to give up your belief,but you should accept other people's advise.You're not the god.One can always find his teachers from others.


Once I believe something, I am forced to think it over a long time. If the result
is not so. I feel very disappoint. 这种情况是很正常的。任何人都希望自己全部正确,却能接受自己的错误,这时也都会难过的。。。。。。但是偏执狂是不会改变自己的看法的,就算错了,也会找很多理由去说明对的。结果他的观念从来就没错过,你能意识到错误,那你就是很正常的。
万事万物都是变化的,你的想法、信念也会跟着你的成长而变化,不是give up而是impove(可以理解成往更加合理的方向去改变),形成的不一定是深刻的观念但会是更加成熟的观念。

I'm not sure why you use English to ask the question? You should be a Chinese, aren't you? Or, you are from other