Most couples find they are of schedule much of the time

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 07:50:30
SORRY,是我打错了,应该是off schedule全文如下,请参考,谢谢!
《My Husband Wants Sex all the Time》

My husband is 23 and I am 20. Lately he has been wanting sex all the time. He and I both thought it was just a phase, but it has gone on for a while now. Is it just a phase or what?
Most couples find they are off schedule much of the time. The solution is to talk about how much sex you want in your marriage. Many women say they like sex every night, that it makes them feel closer to their husband. Others prefer once a month. My guess would be that those who like to talk and get a lot of intimacy through sharing deep thoughts may have less of a need for frequent physical intercourse. Men who have trouble sharing deep feelings may be able to share only through physical intimacy. If you would like you husband to share more verbally and less physically, a good marriage counsellor can help the two of you find the words to express those feelings.

好了,可以理解了,是同位语从句,我来加缺少的词 Most couples find (the fact that)they are off schedule much of the time
Most couples 大多数夫妻(主语)
find 发现(谓语)
are off schedule可以理解为超出时刻表之外(系表结构)
much of the time在大多数时间(时间状语)

我感觉应该是off schedule吧!

off schedule 是不能按部就班的意思。


Most couples 主语
find 谓语
they are off schedule much of the time 宾语从句
off schedule 表语
much of the time 状语

Most couples | find|(THAT) they are off schedule (much of the time).

里面有一个BE Off+... 的结构 你应该能理解 不然你要加油了.