
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 01:23:33



Lots of unnecessary troubles and disatisfactory endings which caused by misunderstanding happened frequently in TV plays. We feel sorry for them while we ourselves are often in the conditions of misunderstanding or being misunderstood.

People should take a right attitude towards the consequences and causes of misunderstanding. Base on personal understanding, misunderstanding happens when a person could not receive or is unwilling to get the response from others. Such kind of misunderstanding leads to frightful and regrettable results gradually. In order to lessen the possibility of misunderstanding, we are supposed to have all the aspects including causes and motivations considered when tackling problems and achieve better interpersonal skills. Most misunderstandings could be avoided in this way and we may therefore live a more enjoyable life.

In the TV dramas often arise because of misunderstandings and unnecessary trouble with the peopl