shades and hues的意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:45:41
The perceptions obtained by the aesthetic subject in the former two steps may be of all shades and hues, it is impossible and not suitable for the aesthetic subject to get them all processed and reproduced.
审美主体在前两个步骤中所获得的审美感知或许是支离破碎的,因此很难将所有这些进行加工,再现。这句话是这个意思吗?特别是shades and hues 是什么意思?

审美主体在前两个步骤中所获得的审美感知或许是支离破碎的,因此很难将所有这些进行加工,再现。这句话是这个意思吗?特别是shades and hues 是什么意思?
absolutely right,did a great job!