
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 02:02:30
1.狗会游泳,是吗 2.这件大厅可容纳3000人 3.“我可以进来吗”“当然可以” 4.伱可以选这两个的其中一个 5.你明天下午必须参加这个讲座 6.你们不必抄写课文 7.Tommy一定不在家 8.在这小房子里呼吸变得困难了 9硪最喜欢的运动是游泳 10.看见就是相信。(眼见为实) 11.伱读完这本侦探小说了吗 12.她每天练习弹钢琴3小时 13.你介意开灯吗 14.Vivian习惯于早起早睡 15.跑步后Jasmine感到有点累 16.造这座桥花费了他们3年的时间

1. dogs can swim, right 2. this halls may hold 3000 people 3. “I might come in” “certainly to be possible” 4. 伱 to be possible to elect these two 5. you tomorrow afternoon to have to participate in this course 6. you not to need to transcribe text 7.Tommy not to be at home 8. to breathe in this small house become the difficult the movement which 9 rammers most liked am certainly swim 10. seeing am the trust.(Seeinged is believing) 11. 伱 to read off this detective story 12. her daily drill ammunition piano 3 hours 13. you to mind turned on the light 14.Vivian to be accustomed to after gets up early rests 15. to jog early Jasmine to feel a little tired 16. made this bridge to spend they 3 years