
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:10:39
Recent investigations have also revealed that a very
small sub-population of cancer progenitor cells with
stem cell-like properties may be isolated from and maintained under an undifferentiated or poorly differentiated state during
long years in culture, and this even after multiple passages
in medium containing serum.
Recent investigations have also revealed that a very small sub-population of cancer progenitor cells with stem cell-like properties may be isolated from wellestablished cancer cell lines and maintained under an undifferentiated or poorly differentiated state during long years in culture, and this even after multiple passages in medium containing serum


最近的研究也显示了: 一小群具有类干细胞性的肿瘤内皮祖细胞亚群可在(分化为)确立癌细胞株前被分离,并可于长年的培养中,甚至在含血清培养基中的多代后依然保持一种未分化或分化不良的阶段