
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/16 11:25:59
帮忙翻译这个:"黄春菊对缓解眼部疲劳或浮肿有奇效。如果你知道自己将要夜以继日地工作,外出前先制作好黄春菊去眼袋液并冰冻好,以备次日消除眼袋。(可以在冰箱内保存几天。)紧急时,你还可以使用黄春菊茶凉袋:使用前先放入水中煮,然后再放入冰箱制冷!10克干黄春菊花 新鲜、煮沸的纯净水、矿泉水或雨水 制作时,将黄春菊花放入(有柄的)大杯中,倒满热水;放置冷却,然后过滤至消毒过的广口瓶中并放入冰箱制冷。使用时,先将棉绒垫在凉茶中浸湿,挤干水分,然后贴在眼睛上15~20分钟(使用棉绒垫而不是海绵球,前者在眼部的覆盖面更广)。用指尖沿颧骨轻轻按压,有助于进一步发挥消肿作用。




学名:Anthermis nobilis, Matricaria chamomilla

为简洁其间,就把黄春菊茶叫做camomile tea好了.(相关搜索见百度)

Camomile tea has miraculous curative effect for fatigue or edema in the eyes. In case you have to work overnight, it's advisible to prepare in advance some camomile tea and refrigerate it(the tea can stay fresh as long as several days when kept in regrigerated state).The tea can substantially relieve under-eye bags. If you are in a hurry, you can just prepare a camomile tea cotton patch. The procedure goes as follows : put 10 grams of Crisp camomile petals in a handled cup full of fresh,hot water ( the water can be purified water or mineral water or just rain water). When the water turns cool, filtrate it and transfer it into a sanitized glass jar. Put the jar in a refrigerator. When you have under-eye bags, dampen a cotton patch in the water, then squeeze it dry, apply it to the eye-lids for 15 to 20 minutes(better not use a sponge ball,for it covers a relati