
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:37:36

你说的是一个乐队,名字叫----我的另类罗曼史 !



Another head hangs lowly 又一颗头颅卑*地悬挂着
Child is slowly taken 孩子慢慢地被夺去生命
And the violence caused such slience 暴力导致了沉默
Who are we mistaken 我们错怪了谁
But you see it's not me 但你明白,这不是我的错
It's not my family 不是我家人的过错
In your head,in your 在你脑海里,在你脑海里
head they are fighting 他们在激战
With their tanks and their bombs 带着他们的坦克和炸药
And their bombs and their guns 他们的炸药和枪支
In your head 在你的脑海里
In your head they are cryin' 他们在你脑海里哭泣
In your head 在你的脑海里
Zombie 行尸走肉
What's in your head,in your head 什么在你脑海了,在你脑海里
Zombie 行尸走肉
Another mother's breakin' 又一位母亲心碎
Heart is taking over 当暴力导致沉默
When the violence causes slience 心随之挖空
We must be mi