坦白地说你不像我想象中的明星。把这句话翻译成英文,急需 ,谢谢了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:49:06


Frankly speaking I would imagine you not in the stars, it is hard to express, but I think you should know what other people think of what look like stars.

To be honest, you don't like a pop star as I had imagined, this is difficult to express, but I think you have the idea what a pop star should be like in people's mind.

To be honest, you doesn't like the star that I imagine.It's difficult to express,but I think you should know what the stars like in others' mind.

Frankly, you are not like the superstar as I imagined

frankly speaking,you are the kind of superstar beyond my imagination.it's too difficult to express.but I think you should know what look a star should be in others' mind

Frankly speaking,you don't like the star as I have imagined.