
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:59:36
其中的一首don't you forget 它的对白简直可以感动得流泪。有这首歌的MV吗?

Don‘t you forget--Era
女孩: 妈妈生病了。 她不能起床。
我一定去村庄要求一些食物。 你会帮助我吗?
男孩: 当然,Cony。 我将帮助 ya 。
女孩: 你总是建立情形当你由于我?
男孩: 你是我的朋友, Cony 。
女孩: 你总是去吗到当我长大的时候有? 你是吗?
男孩: 我发誓。

Don‘t you forget--Era
Girl: Mom is sick. She says she can’t get up.
I know my brother is getting hungry.
I must go to the village to ask for some food. Would you help me?
Boy: Sure, Cony. I’ll help ya.
Girl: Are you always build case when you with me?
Boy: You are my friend, Cony.
Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up? Are you?
Boy: Cross my heart.

Don’t you forget about me?
Don’t you forget about me?
We were soft and young
In a world of innocence.
Don’t you forget about me?
Don’t you forget all our dreams?
Are you gone away
Only emptyness we makes?

Girl: Are you always build case when you with me?
Boy: You are my friend, Cony.