急求 新闻专业 摘要关键字翻译 谢绝软件翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:24:51
【关键词】:女性受众 崛起 消费时代 歧视 男女平等

This paper describes a female audience after the reform and opening up gradually raise the status of the process, that in the 21st century, the era of universal access to consumer background, the identity of female audiences have come to centre from the edge of the conclusions. At present, women and pointed out that facing the audience of the three major issues, namely the existence of discrimination against women in the media phenomenon, women concerned about the news of narrow and news reports on the presence of female role stereotyping of the adverse effects of female audiences. Finally the media should be made to strengthen social gender awareness, dissemination of female journalists to enter the decision-making level, the media stressed that female proportion of female staff, to be truly sense of the equality of the sexes.