
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 08:24:45

The United States is now a total of 50 states, and a similar colonial Puerto Rico, and other overseas territories, such as Guam.

United States of America (The United States of America). United: United States: State, America: the Americas;
Abbreviations: USA (or US)

English may also be that the United States America, in fact the representative of the Inter-American America. However, the Americans used to call it, however the entire United States. American intention of the Americas, including Canadians, Mexicans. But now basically represent Americans. In the day-to-day terms, "United states", or "The States" to refer to the United States. States: State of the complex.

The other the name of the United States, "Uncle Sam." BAR legend during the war in 1812, New York City businessman Sam Wilson Teluoyi (1766.9.13 - 1854.7.31) in the beef supply barrels write "us", said this is the