
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 04:37:33

Even after his doctor told him that he had got lung cancer, Chichester was still not willing to give up his long-held dream of globe tour.

PS:cancer一般不用ill的,还要注意从句时态与主句一致,即过去时,还有even if,即使,是指事情还没有发生。didn't是没有(放弃),语气没有not willing to(不愿意放弃)强烈。

even after his doctor told him he has ill with cancer, Chichester was still not willing to give up his long-cherished wish of world tour.

Even if the doctor told him that he had suffered from the lung cancer, 奇切斯特 didn't give up his wish to travel over the world.

汉译英:甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后,奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球旅行的宿愿。 把心底告诉他之后 喜欢他,不敢告诉他,甚至连遇见的勇气都没有!!!!!!! 我朋友的了肺癌,他不愿去医院也不愿告诉家里人,请大家帮帮我劝劝他吧! 一个不知自己患有绝症的人,该不该告诉他真相 哥哥患有精神病应不应该告诉他? 肺癌化疗好不好,他的标准是什么? 我叔叔患有乙肝,医生一直让他吃药,为何现在吃的药都无效啊.医生让他换比原先贵的药,是什么回事啊? 我喜欢上一个男孩,我们在网上聊的很好,甚至说相互帮助相互依赖。可我不敢告诉他我是谁,怎么办? 我的朋友经常喘不上气来,去医院检查,医生说钾低。他患有牛皮癣,两者是否相关,该如何治疗