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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:23:52
“我看不见……城市的尽头,我需要看得见世界尽头。拿钢琴来说,键盘有始,也有终,有88个键,错不了,并不是无限的,音乐是无限的。在琴键上,奏出无限的音乐,我喜欢,我应付得来。走过跳板,前面的键盘……有无数的琴键,事实如此,无穷无尽。键盘无限大。无限大的键盘,怎奏得出音乐?不是给凡人奏,是给上帝奏。”他肆意的挥洒着人生,如同肆意的玩着顺风钢琴的游戏,这是1900最后对自己人生的一个总结。野象顺风钢琴中最后一幕停在了船长面前一样,要把音乐做到极致,不到不得不停,绝对不会停下。那么轻松的那么哲理的导出了人生的真谛,执着,热爱,做我所爱,无畏世俗。 人生,在很多时候都是在循环,周而复始的循环,我们都在循环中消耗生命的时光。而1900只是一个走了一圈疲惫的音符,没有 循环的过程,没有因为一个不知道结果的目标而激动,从而开始了新一轮的奔波。 1900的暗示,不到年近中年,是难以理解的,就如同那段顺风钢琴,包含了太多,并不是一句赞美的话语就能说完的。

"I did not see the end of…… city, I need to see the end of the world. With piano, keyboard has a beginning, but also the end, 88 key, wrong or not, is not unlimited, music is unlimited. In Qinjian , play unlimited music, I like, I cope. traversed springboard, in front of the keyboard…… countless Qinjian, the fact that, endless. keyboard infinity. infinite keyboard, how that music is played ? not played to the mortals, is playing God. "he wanton of artificial life, as wanton piano玩着downwind of the game, this is their 1900 final summing up a life. Shuxiang downwind piano in the final act parked in front of the captain, to music to the extreme, not to stop and will not stop. So easy then the philosophy of life derived the essence of perseverance, love, I love to do, fearless secular. Life, in many cases are in the cycle, the cycle of, we are in the life cycle of consumption time. The 1900 is a tired take a trip to the notes, no recycling process, because no one did not know t