
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 05:31:05
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Many of his stories, including his masterpiece The Call of the Wild (1903), deal with the reversion of a civilized creature to the primitive state. London's style—brutal, vivid, and exciting—made him enormously popular outside the United States; his works were translated into many languages. London's important works include People of the Abyss (1903), about the poor in London; The Sea Wolf (1904), a novel based on the author's experiences on a seal hunting ship; Martin Eden (1909), an autobiographical novel about a writer's life; John Barleycorn (1913), an autobiographical novel about London's struggle against alcoholism; and The Star Rover (1915), a collection of related stories dealing with reincarnation.

主要作品有小说 《马丁 伊甸》 《白牙》《野性的呼唤》,其中《马丁伊甸》相当于一本自传性质的小说,故事主人公的许多情景都是取自其自身的生活经历,如航海等。《白牙》和《野性的呼唤》都是关于狗的小说,《白牙》讲述了一只狗为救主人而牺牲的感人故事。《野性的呼唤》讲的是一只叫巴克的狗被拐卖给淘金人,跟随淘金队伍去极寒之地冒险的故事,在这过程中,巴克从一只慵懒的宠物狗成长为雪橇犬队伍的首领,真正的历经重重艰苦而成为荒野的主人
